♥︎ Thrifting Log ♥︎
♥︎ Short About ♥︎
there is a fair in a park close to where i live, and the second hand goods section is active during the weekend (there are mostly clothing and antique stands). i have aerial silks class every saturday morning, so on the way back i like strolling through the fair and checking everything out ^^. even if i dont buy anything, going to fairs is one of my favorite things to do outside!⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅
♥︎ May 2024 ♥︎
originally i thought i could write a short entry everytime i thrifted something, but i quickly realized that it would mean a lot of short entries; i think id rather have less entries but have them be longer. so i think im going to organize it like monthly entries, but i wont be too strict about it

ok so i remember that at the start of the month i first got these three things. often when thrifting, there are things that i buy because i think i could do something else with them. like i see the potential of what it could be, or i plan to use it as a material and not an object. does that make sense?
1. the horse toy: for a long time i wanted to try my hand at toy repainting! using any official toy as a base is out of the question bcs theyre very expensive and hard to get, so im gonna use thrifted bootleg toys. i dont mind the origin of the toy as long as theyre cute, and this one really is! i love the way its mane curls
2. the earrings: as pretty as these are, theyre a bit too big for my taste. i also dont have my ears pierced lol. i actually got them because i had been looking for metal pieces like these. i plan on detaching them and make a chain belt with them!
3. the long pillow case: these get more ridiculous but Hear Me Out. i got this for the fabric! it looks greenish in the pic, but its all pastel colors, really pretty. i while ago i saw a tutorial to make a wrap skirt, so when i saw this pillow-case i immediately though of it. so thats the plan !!

other things i got:
stripped tights: ive wanted some tights like these for a while! theyre so versatile and great for layering and adding detail to outfits. i cut them at the tight, so this way i can wear them asymmetrically and adjust the height ^^
la isla a mediodia y otros relatos - julio cortázar: (the island at noon and other stories) its lowkey a goal of mine to own cortázar's bibliography so um yeah :>

the maxi skirts: ok so this is such a Gem i cant believe i got so lucky! these skirts are not only gorgeous, they were ridiculously cheap !! i got both for 1000 pesos !!!! to compare, around 4 months ago, i bought a maxi skirt at the same fair for 1500 pesos, like hello? anyways, these are so pretty ToT i love the pattern and the color scheme of the blue one, ive also wanted a flowery skirt. in conclusion im really happy<3

heres a close up of the fabric!

the last thing i got was this cardigan, however this is another case of something i got for its material.. yeah, im gonna unravel it and use the yarn. i already own a knit pink top, its fine. i saw a video about using thrifted knitwear as a source for yarn a while ago, and it stuck with me. doing the math, on most cases these items cost the same as a skein of yarn, but have a Lot more material. also, this way you might find some very unique yarns! in anyway, i already know what im gonna do with the yarn ^^ if its a success, i will do a blog entry on it, but it might take some time
♥︎ Sunday 21st April (2024) ♥︎
today i also went with my mom to the fair to buy groceries. there are a lot of stands that sell vegetables and fruits, and baked goods. so while we were there, we went to check out the part with antiques stands, but sadly there were only like 5 in the whole block (probably because it was predicted to rain later). anyways, in one of the stands we found boxes full of books about french grammar, there were also some about history, political figures, a considerable amount of books in french and some in italian.

now, i have to say that my pile of books to read is quite big so ive been trying to avoid buying new ones... but when i found this book i knew i couldnt Not get it. its not everyday that you find a camus book in its native language for 1000 pesos !! the book has Le Malentendu and Caligula, which are both theater plays. i also found a newspaper clipping from 1993 inside, it was a small article that talked about camus and La Peste, one of his most famous works
ok so right after writing the previous paragraph, i remembered that the book has a signature so i went and googled it and?? the previous owner was actually a professor at my university! her name is listed as professor in a lot of programs of courses and assignatures from my college's online library, books about french history and literature, which is coincidentally what most books in those boxes were about. so yeah thats kinda crazy. i do wonder how those books got to a stand in a fair but considering the signature in the book is from 1958, i think i might know the answer.. i hope im wrong though.
well this kinda ended in a depressing note.. um im glad i got the book though! from camus i already read L'étranger, and also Noces, which is an essay. i also started reading La Peste but completely forgot about it.. so im gonna make use of the vacation week i got ahead, and read that before starting with Le Malentendu
♥︎ Saturday 30th March (2024) ♥︎

today we had to go shopping with my mom, so i suggested we pass by the fair on the way back. we checked everything out, but didnt really find anything i wanted to buy.. thats until the last post. i found this pink knit sweater that was just soo cute. i tried it and it fit me well, i especially love the neck and the crop, which cuts at the perfect height !! it costed 4500 pesos but i only had 3000 pesos on me lol, so my mom gave me 1000 and told me to ask the vendor for a bargain. i was kinda nervous but thankfully they accepted lol. tbh 4500 is a bit expensive.. but im not even sure this piece is actually second hand, and something similar in a store would probably cost around 7000-8000 pesos so i shouldnt complain haha