this is my page dedicated to bookbug, an online book club! each month, members will read a book and review it on their personal sites.

Strangers on a Train - Patricia Highsmith

here are some thoughts:
something i loved was that the two different points of view were equally interesting to read. i think i prefer to read form bruno's pov, i liked to see the thought process behind his actions, also the way he keeps getting more impulsive and unstable as the story progresses. i like that guys pov is so different from him, hes much more neurotic and always worrying about the consequences. i thought it was fascinating the way he was haunted by bruno, both in his mind and in reality, i enjoyed reading those parts a lot.
one thing that confused me was the ways sometimes characters have these really sudden changes in emotions. i just didnt wish it was more gradual instead of going "guy suddenly became inmensely sad". but im being nitpicky lol
i would have liked to see guy actually talking to anne about the murder and everything. i think it would have been a good pay off after having him angst about it for so long.
i cant decide if a like or dont like the way bruno died. like, for what is a main character, his death was unbecoming and unceremonious, but at the same time, that fits his character well./p>
it seems like i had more to criticize than to praise, but thats not really true, i really enjoyed this book, i just dont know how to express it :(
The Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov

my first impression as i started reading was that it has a very particular humor. tbh reading about woland's group terrorizing everyone at moscow was funny and entertaining to read. i like the way there are a lot of characters, even if at some point i was really losing track of who was who. i think the characters from woland's group are charming in a silly way; they kinda feel like someone's OCs.
i like the lighthearted and satyrical tone of the book, but i also appreciate the more paused moments close to the end of the book. there are still silly things happening, but in some moments i felt like thinking about everything that happenend in the story and thinking "ah the end is near", it was kinda bittersweet because i wanted to keep reading but also thought that the characters deserved to rest finally.
about the plot of yershalaim.. pilates' character is so interesting i think. the way he is plagued by the regret of making the wrong choice.. i like reading internal conflits so i enjoyed that. however, this plot really has a lot of biblical references; i feel like i missed a lot as i was reading because im really not knowledgeable about it (of course thats on me and not the author; i should revisit this book once i learn more)